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In this masterclass, you'll learn:
  • The career change process from beginning to end 
Get an overview of my entire system to change careers without a demotion or a pay cut
  • How to get started if you don't know what you want to do next
And effective ways to match what you want in life to your next role
  • Why the popular advice you get doesn't work
And knowing the difference between strategy and tactics helps you change careers

(If you would prefer to read instead of watch or listen, click on the little icon in the top right, and a transcript will display below this text. If you want to slow me down or speed me, click on the video itself to adjust the speed setting.)

And who I am, Cristin Downs, your host:

I’m a possibilitarian. Also an executive coach, a theatrical thinker, a producer, and a lot of formers — stage manager, production manager, operations manager, general manager, director, continuing/adult/corporate education professional (a multi career pivoter)— who has worked more than 40+ jobs and led more teams in 2 decades than most people will in their entire lives. As an executive coach, I specialize in career pivots, stepping into your leadership in the workplace, and building a brand and consulting business alongside your 9 to 5. I believe that we are already worthy, and we get free together.

I've been helping people change careers for over a decade, and I've walked over 200 people through this system leading to new careers since March 2021. Last year, my clients made $2 million more than their investment in working with me, and I'm aiming for $4 million more this year. 

My podcast was featured on NPR and my advice has been featured on multiple platforms including Everygirl. More importantly though, my jokes are AMAZING, and they pale only in comparison to your awesomeness.


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